Dear Friend,

The middle and high school years are some of the most meaningful as students explore ideas in greater depth, discover their passions, and develop a sense of purpose beyond self. From the very beginning of their school experience, Newman students are engaged in the process of becoming educated adults through the exciting environment of one of the world’s greatest cities, Boston, and a world-class faculty.  A recent graduate reflected that Newman is “not high school, it is really a little university.” The Back Bay neighborhood, our home, is truly the heart of Boston, often referred to as “the Athens of America.” The Boston Public Library is our library, the Esplanade is our cross-country course, the Charles River is the venue for our crew and sailing teams. Newman students attend lectures by visiting university scholars, and regularly visit museums such as The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts.

John Henry Cardinal Newman noted that a great city attracts the best minds, the greatest art, and the most important political thinkers. He knew that education was about much more than the communication of facts. Education is about helping the student to become a fully human person, ready to make their own contribution in life. At Newman, we challenge you to grow, both intellectually and personally. We care what sort of person you will become, and we passionately believe that you have a contribution to make. We are certain that, for you to make that contribution, you need to learn to challenge yourself and to learn from others. In the full current of “Life at Newman,” our motto "Heart Speaks to Heart" philosophy is interwoven through the fabric of Newman in all that we do.  Students and faculty engage intellectually and emotionally, develop skills and competencies, collaborating through the International Baccalaureate program, innovating through intentional design and experiential learning, as they live the “city as classroom.”  Newman students contribute to our community, balancing independence and leadership, two defining characteristics that distinguish Newman as a forward looking school in a global society.

At Newman, you will meet people from all over the world. Like you, they come to Boston and Newman in order to become a part of something great, prepare and make their own contributions. Integral at Newman are programs in service, leadership, sports, arts, and activities that build skills and friendship with the support of teachers who care for you, are passionate about your learning, and provide ways for each student to demonstrate their capability for success in colleges and universities. Currently Newman alumni are enrolled at such schools as Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Brown, College of the Holy Cross, Columbia, Connecticut College, Cornell, Duke, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGill University, Tufts, University of Michigan, University of Southern California, and Worcester Polytechnical.

If you are an American student or an international student interested in either the International Baccalaureate program or The Newman School high school diploma at one of Boston's most interesting and best private schools, we hope you visit deeper into our website and what you find will lead you to visit us in Boston at The Newman School.
Michael J. Schafer
Head of School

Martin J. Walsh, Class of 1986 (Mayor of Boston 2014-2021)

And as much as The Newman School draws its identity from the City of Boston; in many ways, this city is becoming more like The Newman School.

It’s inclusive: bringing together young people from every neighborhood of Boston and every country of the world.

It’s international: not just by welcoming students from abroad, but by engaging its curriculum with an ever-more-integrated global society.

And it’s innovative: whether in art or in aeronautics, you are expanding the boundaries of what a high school education can be.
Newman provides opportunity for students from broadly diverse backgrounds to pursue serious studies in a welcoming and supportive environment where self and community are paramount.